Growth Chamber Bookings


The LFS Growth Chamber Training Guide must be completed and submitted prior to booking any growth chambers.

Booking Policies

  1. LFS Growth Chambers are available for faculty, staff, and students in Land and Food Systems only. All other booking inquiries must be sent to and approved before booking.
  2. Review and submit LFS Growth Chamber Training Guide to the Training Record Management Site before submitting a booking request.
  3. Book at least 24 hours in advance (working days only) to allow for confirmation of availability. Do not use a growth chamber without confirmation, as there may be a request that has not shown up on the booking page.
  4. Access to the Growth Chamber room can be obtained through Access Requests.
  5. Additional maintenance templates can be found HERE.

Cleaning Policies

  1. All users are required to clean the growth chambers as outlined in the LFS Growth Chamber Training Guide.
  2. Failure to comply with the cleaning policy will result in a cleaning/maintenance fee of $250.
  3. All users are required to keep the growth chamber room clean and tidy and allow room for other users to work.

MCML 26 Facilities

MCML 26 is equipped with a small incubation chamber, bench space, tap water supply, and four TPC-15 Biochamber Growth Chamber units with:

  • 1.5m² (16ft²) of plant growth area
  • 1485mm (58½”) of growth height
  • 1500µmol m-² s-1 PPFD of lighting
  • Ideal for C4 plants, cereal crops, and other plants requiring high light intensities
  • Adjustable counterbalanced height lamp
  • Channel floor system for uniform airflow

BioChamber Unit


Chamber controls and settings screen


Inside view of the chamber


Booking Growth Chambers

A valid CWL is required for booking, off-campus users need to connect to the UBC VPN to access the booking site.

MCML 26 Growth Chambers

Carrillo 1 - Book me!

Carrillo 2 - Book me!

Castellarin 1 - Book me!

Castellarin 2 - Book me!


MCML 218 Growth Chambers

Chamber 1 (reach-in) - Book me!

Chamber 2 (reach-in) - Book me!

Chamber 3 (reach-in) - Book me!

Chamber 4 (walk-in) - Book me!

Chamber 5 (walk-in) - Book me!

LFS Growth chambers in 218