MCML Classroom Bookings
Please submit bookings as far in advance as you can. Requests can take 3-5 business days to be processed, but can often be confirmed quicker. Please do not occupy a room without confirmation, as there may be a request ahead of yours that simply has not yet shown up on the booking page. If you wish to book and use the room in the same day, please make arrangements with the appropriate contact as listed below.
Bookings now require a CWL login. Off campus users need to connect to the UBC VPN before accessing the site.
MCML 258 - [book online]
Capacity: 38
- LFS ad hoc and recurring bookings
- Non-LFS may book up to a maximum of 2 weeks in advance, ad hoc only

MCML 342 - [book online]
Capacity: 31
- LFS ad hoc and recurring bookings
- Non-LFS may book up to a maximum of 2 weeks in advance, ad hoc only

MCML Teaching Lab - [book online]
Capacity: 20 – 40 per space
- Teaching activities take priority in utilizing these teaching labs
- Email for any information relating to the use of teaching labs
- These are laboratory spaces so specific laboratory dress code is required (e.g. closed-toe shoes, long loose-fitting pants, etc.)
- Booking calendar may not reflect the true availability of these labs. Final decision on booking approval will be provided by the Faculty education and research support technicians.

For rooms MCML 258, and MCML 342 please contact:
LFS Student Services
MacMillan 344
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia
Ph: 604.822.2620
Other Classrooms on Campus
Requests to book other classrooms across campus are managed by UBC Scheduling Services. Details can be found online.
For a complete list of all buildings and classrooms on campus, please visit the Buildings and Classrooms list online.
If you wish to pre-screen rooms for availability, please visit the Scheduling and Curriculum Management Centre (SCMC) and log in using your CWL account; you will want to view the UBC-VAN web link (bottom left-hand corner of the page) to see rooms on the Vancouver campus.
Once you have identified the room(s) you wish to book, please complete the Online Booking Request Form.
Please note, LFS Student Services is not able to expedite a request for a classroom space that is managed by UBC Scheduling Services.