Building Access

Building Specific Orientation Requests (MacMillan, FNH)

Every undergraduate student, graduate student, staff and faculty member must attend the building specific orientation to understand the general safety features and resources available within the faculty. This guide will walk you through requesting a key, FOB, or alarm code for LFS buildings and labs.

All labs and offices will be alarmed outside of regular building hours (Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM).

Here are the steps to gaining building access:

  1. Go to the UBC/LFS Mandatory Training Page
    1. Find your employee category and complete the mandatory training instructions
  2. Once you finish all the mandatory training, you can note your completion on the LFS Training Record Management System
  3. Submit the Access Request form below

Click here to fill the LFS Access Requests form

Special Notes:

  • ALL USERS: If training records were not updated on LFS Training Record Management System at the time of Access Request, the process will be delayed until the applicant fulfills all training requirements specific to the area.
  • ALL LAB USERS: Please fulfill the specific chemical safety and/or biosafety training as soon as you can. The practical in person session will take up to weeks to schedule. Your key request to labs will not be granted until these trainings are complete. You are, however, allowed to work in the same lab with a senior researcher, who will fully supervise at all times before your training completion.

  • For safety purposes, please keep all emergency access doors closed and shut at all times.
  • Working alone in the buildings after-hours and on weekends is NOT RECOMMENDED (as per WorkSafeBC regulations).

FNH190/Pilot Plant Access Request

Like all LFS spaces, relevant LFS mandatory training must be completed and submitted to the TRMS LFS Training Records Management System (UBC VPN required when off campus).

FNH190/Pilot Plant specific usage requirements:

  1. Complete the FNH190 Code of Conduct form (revised Oct 2022)
  2. Book an in-person site specific training/orientation for FNH 190 (
  3. When the site-specific training is complete, the FNH 190 Code of Conduct form must be signed by all the required authorizers listed. You can then upload this to the TRMS.
  4. Once completed, submit the Pilot Plant Access form which details your needs and project details.
    1. This form will specify which equipment you require and allow for specific equipment training coordination with the appropriate “Super User”.
    2. This form will act as the main access request process. Once approved, card access will be granted for the length of the work/project.


  1. Per UBC Safety and Risk Services, undergraduate students are not issued key or card access to labs. Access is arranged with the supervisor.
  2. The Pilot Plant is a food safe environment, a high level of cleanliness and hygiene are imperative to the internal and external users of the space. Users who do not strictly follow the policies laid out in the FNH 190 Code of Conduct may have their access revoked. The space will be monitored daily for the adherence to these policies.
  3. The Pilot Plant access form can be submitted multiple times as additional projects and/or needs arise.
  4. Room 191 is considered a separate space on the access form. Please select this area only if you are part of the research group within this space.
  5. External users will have additional requirements including liability waivers and further oversight.
  6. Annual renewal is mandatory for access to FNH 190. Users are responsible for going through the usage requirements to re-apply access.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the process, please contact

LFS Space Request

All members of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems are required to complete a space application form for space requests. Please refer to the Office and Research Space policy.

We welcome additional comments about the current and projected use of space in the LFS Building. Please send them to and they will be reviewed by the Dean’s Office and the LFS Space Committee.

UBC Card Expiry and Renewal Process

Has your UBC card expired? If yes, you will lose card access that was provisioned for you. You will need to apply for a new UBC card.

Please visit the UBC Card website, click Renew your UBC Card and upload a digital photo. Note: You can no longer drop by the UBC Bookstore to take a photo for your new card.

While you wait for your new card to be ready for pick up, please email to request a one-month extension on your expired card access.

When you receive your renewed card, please notify to ensure it has the same card access as your last card.

If you have a new UBC card with no card access provisions, please fill out the above LFS access request form first and then do the following:

  • For FNH card access, please bring your card to Patrick Leung in Room 230 at the Food, Nutrition and Health Building (2205 East Mall).
  • For MCML card access, please bring your card to Mona Lee in Room 248 at the H.R. MacMillan Building (2357 Main Mall).