We Want to Hear from You!
As part of the 2021-2026 LFS Action Plan, the Faculty is committed to attracting and retaining outstanding faculty and staff and aim to be a destination of choice for our exceptional learning and work environment.
In support of this, we promote opportunities and programs that recognize and reward staff and faculty and develop a culture of celebration. Visit the Recognize Your Colleagues page to find out more about the Random Acts of Recognition program. See below for the Bright Ideas Program.
Workplace Experiences Survey
As UBC staff and faculty, the Workplace Experiences Survey (WES) is your opportunity to share your experience of UBC as a workplace.
You can learn more about this campus-wide initiative here: focusonpeople.ubc.ca/workplace-experiences-survey.
Click on the links below to view the results of the previous surveys.
2021 Workplace Experience Surveys
In 2021, the WES results were split into several categories to give a more in-depth view of experiences in different units.
Faculty wide:
Associate Deans:
- Associate Dean Academic Portfolio - Faculty
- Associate Dean Academic Portfolio - Staff
- Associate Dean Research Portfolio - Staff
Specific Groups:
- Applied Biology - Faculty
- Centre for Sustainable Food Systems - Staff
- Food Dietetics Nutrition and Health - Faculty
- Food Dietetics Nutrition and Health - Staff
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Do you have any feedback or comments on the WES results that you'd like to share anonymously with Faculty leadership? Please do so here
LFS Bright Ideas Program
Send us your Bright Ideas!
Have an idea that you think will make the Faculty stronger or better? Send it to Bright Ideas, our ideas program!
Here’s how it works:
LFS faculty, staff and students are invited to submit worthwhile ideas that will potentially save energy or resources, improve service to students, increase safety or improve the quality of work life. If your idea is implemented, you’ll be rewarded with a $50 visa gift card and be recognized in a whole bunch of ways. All submitted ideas will be entered into a quarterly draw for an LFS swag bag and a special Bright Ideas breakfast with the Dean.
The rules:
Ideas must be submitted via our *online form* and must identify a specific problem or deficiency along with a solution. Merely submitting a problem without presenting a concrete solution does not qualify as an eligible suggestion. For faculty and staff: suggestions cannot be directly related to your job duties.
*Only approved ideas will be contacted. Watch for an announcement about Bright Ideas recipients in LFS Today.
Drop us a line at lfs.brightideas@ubc.ca
Interested in being part of the Bright Ideas Committee?
If you would like to help review ideas as part of our Bright Ideas Committee, please email us at lfs.brightideas@ubc.ca.