The UBC Farm Local Safety Team (UBC Farm LST) plays a key role for ensuring the health and safety in the workplace at the UBC Farm. They provide safety information, provide recommendations on training needs and provide support to the LFS JOHSC.

Safety Orientation (Important!)

  • All incoming students, staffs and faculty members are required to complete UBC mandatory training and safety orientation. Please refer to LFS Mandatory Training.
  • All incoming students, staffs and faculty members have to attend a site specific orientation with the operations team. Please email the UBC Farm Site Coordinator to set up a time.
  • The Building Emergency Response Plan is also available for your reference.
  • The following guides are also provided to supplement and summarize the necessary training for each individual:
    • LFS Orientation – CSFS/Farm Field worker
    • LFS Orientation – CSFS/Farm Office worker
  • Please note that key access will NOT be granted until the safety orientation is complete and documented.

Farm Site and Building Access

  • Site Access Protocol apply to all staff, students, researchers, and visitors (UBC and public). Please review these thoroughly.
    • Safety contact information is required
    • Farm key sharing is not allowed
    • Site orientation is requires
    • Working alone policy for Farm
    • When possible, staff and faculty should use the site during public open hours
    • After-hours access policies
    • After-hours group access policies

Farm hours are seasonal and subject to change:

UBC Farm Public Open hours:

  • April-October: Monday to Saturday,  9 am to 5 pm
  • November-March: Monday to Friday,  9 am to 5 pm

Closed to the public all statutory holidays, the Monday after the April statutory holiday, and December 26-31

First Aid

For more information, please visit UBC First Aid.

  • For employees at UBC Vancouver campus, call 604-822-4444 (or 2-4444 from a University telephone).
    • In the event of an emergency, call 911 first and then first aid at 604-822-4444.
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) unit is located in the Farm Centre - Kitchen
  • Fire extinguishers are located in the Farm Centre and Harvest Hut. Be aware of the different types of extinguishers and their uses.

If somebody is seriously injured at UBC Farm, call 911, explain the nature of the injuries, and give location with address and room number. The address at UBC Farm (for fire and accidents) is 3461 Ross Drive, UBC, Vancouver. Supervisors of the person involved in the accident or incident must complete the required accident report via Centralized Accident/Incident Reporting System (CAIRS).

  • For other work-related injuries, email after receiving treatment and check LFS JOHSC for further information.

PLEASE NOTE: the Farm buildings have two names: one UBC-internal name, and one ‘common’ name (IE. Farm Centre = FORESTRY FIELD HOUSE SOUTH CAMPUS)




Macmillan: MACMILLAN 170

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, call 911 first and then first aid at 604-822-4444.


Pull the nearest fire alarm.

Close the doors behind you as you exit a room.

Follow the nearest exit route, and then call 911.

Give them the full address of the building (3461 Ross Drive), and the room number where the fire began.

Wait for emergency personnel outside the main entrance of the building

Provide SDS if necessary


Same as FIRE.

Report the source/room of the leak to operations team.


Evacuate the affected area. Shut down equipment.

Isolate area and prevent re-entry.

Call 911.

Give them the full address of the building (3461 Ross Drive), and the room number where the spill occurs.

Provide the following information: any injuries, chemical name, quantity, hazards

Wait for emergency personnel outside the main entrance of the building.

Provide SDS

Inform supervisor and operations team


At main entrance gate of Farm – near Events Field or parking lot.