If you receive any form of communications that appear suspicious, report it to immediately. UBC will not ask you for credentials or send links for you to manage your account.This image below is an example of a phishing email.
- The sender name appears legitimate, but the email address is not an official UBC address.
- There is a CAUTION at the top of the message body.
- Mouse over any links to inspect the URL to confirm that it is legitimate.

Drag and drop the suspicious email as an attachment when you make your report. This will provide all the email header information to UBCIT to aid in their investigations.
If in doubt, contact the Learning Centre at
Expected emails not received
You are expecting an email but have not received it. You can check the UBC Mail Sentry site to see if it has been quarantined. Mail Sentry.
Sending Attachments
Attaching large files over 50 MB or restricted file types are not allowed in FASmail. The recommendation is to use OneDrive to share such files.
Before any new service or application is developed in LFS, a privacy impact assessment (PIA) and a Security Threat Assessment (STRA) need to be completed. Information on these requirements can be found at The Learning Centre can assist with this process, contact us at