LFS Today Feb 16, 2022


Wellness Wednesday

Editorial: Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is all about understanding and managing your own emotions. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people — practicing and improving your EI can have professional and personal benefits.

Learn more


Feb. 22 – Embedding Equity in Community Engagement

Date: Tuesday, February 22, 1:00-2:30pm

Title: Embedding Equity in Community Engagement

Co-Hosts: UBC Equity & Inclusion Office + UBC Community Engagement

Location: Online with Zoom

Description: In this interactive session, you will learn what the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office does and how the Inclusion Action Plan tools and resources can help you use equitable processes and approaches in your relationships with external community partners. Come prepared to share your stories of positive, equitable community-university partnerships – as well as examples where UBC undermined equity or caused harm. We can learn a lot from those examples, too!

Register here

Mar. 3 – IOF Webinar: Subsidizing extinction: Subsidies, Sustainable Development Goals and the World Trade Organization

In this webinar, we bring together leading experts with a range of expertise in, and perspectives on, harmful subsidies to share their knowledge about and vision for improving the environmental, social, economic, and trade implications of harmful subsidies. The panelists will discuss how removing and redirecting harmful subsidies (estimated at $27.5 billion Canadian dollars per year for marine fisheries alone) could support people and the environment at the same time. The webinar will also provide a forum to discuss responses and actions that are needed at individual, community, governmental and intergovernmental (e.g., the WTO) levels to address the increasing threats from harmful subsidies with respect to biodiversity and the livelihoods of millions worldwide.

March 3, 2022
10:00 to 11:30am

More information and to RSVP: https://oceans.ubc.ca/subsidizing-extinction/


Feb. 23 – Job Posting: Director, Michael Smith Laboratories

Michael Smith Laboratories (MSL) invites nominations and applications for the position of Director. They seek an experienced current UBC faculty member with an established international reputation to lead and advance the MSL’s interdisciplinary biotechnology research, education and outreach activities. The Director must have demonstrated leadership abilities, including administrative, organizational, and interpersonal skills. The MSL is primarily a research institute with core faculty members having academic cross-appointments in one or more departments at UBC. This pattern of cross-appointments extends the MSL’s integrative capacity throughout the University’s scientific community for developing and stimulating cross-disciplinary approaches to a wide range of important biological questions, including molecular biology, genomics, and bioengineering (see www.msl.ubc.ca).

The position is for a five-year term and will be available beginning July 1, 2022. The successful candidate must hold a tenured professorial position at the University of British Columbia, with strong preference being given to a faculty member currently at the rank of Professor. The candidate should be or expect to be a member of the MSL.

Nominations are also encouraged and should be sent to scidean@science.ubc.ca.

The deadline for submission of applications is Wednesday, February 23, 2022; applications will be processed as soon as they are received. Applications, consisting of a brief statement of interest, curriculum vitae, publication list and the names and contact information (including e-mail addresses when possible) of at least two references, should be sent to:

Dr. Meigan Aronson
Dean, Faculty of Science
University of British Columbia
E-mail: scidean@science.ubc.ca

Learn more here

Mar. 11 – UBC Farm Undergraduate Research Competition 2022

The Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm Undergraduate Research Competition provides financial support for innovative, undergraduate-led research projects at the UBC Farm. In 2022, $6000 of total funding is available, while individual projects can apply for a maximum of $3000 in funding. Students need to identify a primary supervisor (UBC graduate student, postdoctoral researcher, or faculty member). Undergrads from any UBC Faculty are eligible.

Find out more and apply here: https://ubcfarm.ubc.ca/ubc-farm-undergraduate-research-competition/

Deadline to apply: March 11, 2022

Apr. 15 – Call for proposals open for Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards

The call for proposals for the Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards is open to faculty members at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan.

UBC Health is offering up to $25,000 to faculty members who are collaborating across faculties, disciplines, and campuses to develop new teams, pursue new ideas, or translate findings from innovative health-related research.

Health is produced by a complex interplay of individual, social, political, and economic factors. Interdisciplinary and cross-faculty collaborations have the potential to lead to more innovative solutions to improve health and address health inequities. The HIFI Awards are intended to catalyze these collaborations by supporting cross-faculty and cross-campus research at UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.

There will be two calls for proposals in 2022:

Spring Call for Proposals
Opens: February 15, 2022
Closes: April 15, 2022

Team-Based Care Funding Stream
For the spring call, in addition to the general, open call for HIFI, UBC Health invites applications that focus on initiatives that contribute to provincial efforts to establish and enhance team-based care. The call is open to all innovative ideas, particularly in areas that address education and pedagogy or system change and outcomes. Examples of relevant initiatives include, but are not limited to, efforts to advance research on educational models intended to prepare learners for team-based care and advance research about the system readiness or outcomes of implementation of team-based care.

Fall Call for Proposals
Opens: August 15, 2022
Closes: October 15, 2022

For information on eligibility criteria, key dates, FAQs, and how to apply, visit the UBC Health website.

Apr. 29 – Wall Scholars Catalyst Program

Theme: Climate and Nature Emergency

Applications are invited from leading scholars across career stages from UBC and UBCO to the 2022-23 Wall Scholars Catalyst Program. Successful scholars will participate in regular sessions at the Institute focusing on the broad theme of Climate and Nature Emergency. Up to 10 Wall Scholars will be appointed in this selection process.

The program will uphold the Institute’s mandate to provide a platform for associated scholars, fellows and partners to engage in research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and that explores innovative ways of thinking and knowing to address the biggest challenges of our time. Selected applicants will build connections, cultivate relationships and initiate collaborations that will continue beyond the program year.

The 2022-23 Wall Scholars Catalyst Program places emphasis on the role of scholars as change catalysts in society and of PWIAS as an incubator of inter- and trans-disciplinary collaborations that engage with the urgency, scale and complexity of the program theme.

The theme proposed for the 2022-23 cohort is Climate and Nature Emergency. The recent devastating environmental disasters in BC are indicative of the immediacy of climate crises, the complexities of bringing about systemic change and the urgent need for coordinated efforts to address climate change, climate justice and biodiversity loss both locally and globally. The program will complement and connect faculty and student led initiatives.

We encourage applications from all disciplines and from scholars whose work may be vital to understanding the climate and nature emergency, but who may have not previously conceived of their scholarship in this frame. For this call, we hope to expand the ways of knowing and acting in this challenging socio-ecological moment.

The Wall Scholars Catalyst Program will run September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023.

Application Deadline: Friday, April 29, 2022

Download program description

Download the application

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