LFS Today July 23, 2021

Farewell, and thank you, Joel Liman (LFS Student Services)

It is with mixed emotions we share that after 7 years with LFS Student Services, Joel Liman, Academic Advisor for Indigenous students, will be leaving us at the end of August.  Joel will be moving with his family to Kelowna to join the Aboriginal Programs and Services team at UBC’s Okanagan campus as an Indigenous Student Advisor.  We wish Joel all the best as he and his family embark on this exciting adventure, and we are sure you all share in our deepest thanks for all the years of laughs, insight, and his dedication to advancing the work in support of Indigenous students and youth in LFS and Science, at UBC, and in the greater community.  Joel has had such a significant impact on those around him, and he will be greatly missed. 

Joel’s last day in LFS Student Services will be Friday, August 27.  Please feel free to send your well wishes to Joel directly (joel.liman@ubc.ca).  We will share more about a succession plan soon.


LFS in the News

Dr. Yangfan Zhang, discussed his study that suggests sockeye salmon’s physical fitness isn’t compromised by the piscine orthoreovirus abundant on fish farms.
National Observer via The Star, Yahoo


Sustainable Friday

Your sustainability tip of the week is

Write it down! One thing that many successful people do with their goals is to write it down, making the goal more concrete and tangible.

Do you have a sustainability tip to share with your colleagues? Send it to mcm-lst@lists.ubc.ca and lfs.today@ubc.ca! Tips can cover a range of settings, from lab work to your community to working from home.


UBC Forestry Hosting Virtual Commonwealth Forestry Conference

August 16 – 18, 2021

The annual Commonwealth Forestry Conference is an international forum for foresters, and all those with an interest in the forestry sector, to exchange knowledge and experience. Among the many topics to be discussed, these are some on the program: Climate change (Carbon sequestration, Insect outbreaks, Seed transfer, Communities) and New Markets (Bioeconomy, Ecosystem services).
To view the program & speaks and to register, visit https://cfc2021.ubc.ca/


Webinar: Soil Carbon Permanence, an Introductory Discussion

Grassroots Carbon Presents: “Soil Carbon Permanence, an Introductory Discussion” A free webinar featuring Dr. Jocelyn Lavallee July 28, 12-12:30 PM CST

You’ll learn:

  • How soil health impacts soil carbon storage
  • A scientific perspective about how soil carbon stocks change over time and what this means for soil carbon storage permanence

Dr. Jocelyn Lavallee is Research Scientist at Colorado State University and a leading expert in soil carbon dynamics and controls on soil carbon permanence. She uses a combination of continental datasets and targeted, mechanistic experiments to advance the science and ultimately improve understanding and predictions of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks into the future. 

Register here

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