LFS Today July 29, 2021

Random Acts of Recognition

Congratulations to Random Acts of Recognition recipients:

Jimmy Kyu, a PhD student in the Plant-Insect Ecology and Evolution Lab, for his tireless effort to get the CO2 growth chambers repaired and going.

Shannon Wong for her last-minute help with the UBC Farm Anniversary Report.

To nominate a faculty member, staff or graduate student that’s been doing an outstanding job or has gone above and beyond in some way, send an email to lfs.recognition@ubc.ca and tell us why this person should be recognized. We’ll send them a $6 Starbucks gift card and acknowledge their good work in LFS Today.


Teaching Theory Thursday

The Learning Centre asked students to reflect on the past year of education and what students want moving forward. They shared:

  • “Flexibility is good for mental health.”
  • “Having recorded lectures reduces my anxiety from missing a class.”
  • “Anything synchronous is more engaging”

Read about all of our findings here: https://lc.landfood.ubc.ca/students-reflections-on-remote-learning/ 

Brought to you from the Learning Centre


HVAC Working Group Update

UBC’s HVAC Working group has assessed all UBC Learning Spaces for mechanical ventilation.  An updated list of learning spaces and their ventilation status, along with information about HVAC in other types of spaces, is available here: https://facilities.ubc.ca/hvac.
Recording and Livestreaming in General Teaching Space Classrooms
Classrooms that will be equipped with recording/streaming capabilities for September can be found here:https://learningspaces.ubc.ca/recording-and-streaming-classrooms.  This webpage will be updated in the coming weeks with:
–        Training materials and video demonstrations;
–        Information about specific room capabilities;
–        Instructions on how to book an in-person orientation;
–        Links to book recording/livestreaming of classes; note that all recordings/streams must be pre-scheduled by IT Audio Visual.
Information will also be posted on https://keepteaching.ubc.ca/.


Working In a Heat Wave

Working in hot environments, outdoors and indoors, can affect the body’s cooling system. If the body is unable to cool itself, heat stress can occur. If not recognized early, this can quickly develop into more serious and life-threatening conditions. Physical exertion and outdoor activities increase this risk if precautions are not taken. To learn more, visit: https://srs.ubc.ca/health-safety/safety-programs/safe-work-processes/weather-and-thermal-stress-safety/?login

A new “Heat Stress Awareness” course is recommended to all workers at risk of heat exposure and their supervisors.  For more information on heat stress, visit the SRS Website.


WorkSafe E-news

It may be of interest to you to subscribe to WorkSafeBC’s Enews – a monthly enews that outlines the latest changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, guidelines and policies. It also includes information on new workplace health and safety resources, initiatives, and events. You can also subscribe for additional items like industry-specific enews, recent work-related incidents, research services updates, and more. Visit Enews to subscribe.


SSHRC Upcoming Deadlines

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