LFS Today July 7, 2021

LFS in the News 

Gerry Kasten was featured in an article about social media-driven hydration challenges. These challenges are centred around the myth that only water hydrates us but Gerry points out that “most of the foods we eat contain some water” and that “we’d be a sorry species if we hadn’t evolved to ensure that we were able to make use of available water in times of scarcity.” The Globe and Mail

Siyun Wang was featured in an article about food safety during a heatwave. She explained that “microorganisms, bacteria, that can spoil our foods, or in worse cases, make people sick — they do much better in high temperatures” and shared some recommendations for how to keep food safe after bringing it back from the grocery store. CBC News


Random Acts of Recognition

Congratulations to Random Acts of Recognition recipients:

Xanyar Mohammadi and Kaiwen Mu, food Science MSc and PhD students respectively, for managing the lab access spreadsheets and space allocations on a weekly basis during COVID-19.

To nominate a faculty member, staff or graduate student that’s been doing an outstanding job or has gone above and beyond in some way, send an email to lfs.recognition@ubc.ca and tell us why this person should be recognized. We’ll send them a $6 Starbucks gift card and acknowledge their good work in LFS Today.


Wellness Wednesdays

Your Mental Health Tip of the Week:

Celebrate! Take time to acknowledge big and small achievements.


LFS|US Social Media Spotlights

The LFS|US is looking for LFS Faculty and Staff to be featured on their Instagram (@lfsusubc) and Facebook (@lfsus).
This is an excellent opportunity to

  • reach and introduce yourself to 1300+ LFS undergraduates before Winter Session 2021/22 begins;
  • familiarize students, especially the incoming cohort, with LFS subjects and services; and
  • further the friendliness and interpersonal touch of our LFS family.

The Qualtrics form allows you to enter information that will be translated into a graphic and shared on social media in August. Please take 5 minutes to complete the form by July 19, 2021, if you’re inclined to do so.


Survey to Provide Input on Course Co-development with University & Indigenous Partners

From the Co-producing Aquatic Science Team:

As part of the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Project, “Co-producing Aquatic Science Curriculum Through University-Indigenous Community Partnerships”, we are seeking input from diverse members of the UBC community (students, staff, researchers, and faculty) about a new course at UBC.

Please consider participating in our anonymous survey:http://bit.ly/IOFCurriculumSurvey

The survey will close on July 16.If you have any questions or concerns regarding the survey or the course development, please contact Sara Cannon at s.cannon@oceans.ubc.ca.


SSHRC Upcoming Deadlines

Competitions close soon for:
Imagining Canada’s Future Ideas Lab (virtual workshop)
(letter of interest deadline, July 16, 2021)
Connection Grants
(August 1, 2021)
New Frontiers in Research Fund—2021 Exploration Competition
(notice of intent to apply deadline, August 10, 2021) 
Partnership Engage Grants
(September 15, 2021)
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships
(September 15, 2021)


CropLife Canada Article on Regenerative Agriculture

Pierre Petelle, President and CEO of CropLife Canada has authored an article titled: “When it comes to regenerative agriculture let’s focus on outcomes rather than ideology”, which you can read on the CropLife Canada website at this link.

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