LFS Today Nov 23, 2020

Call for Nominations – LFS Service Awards

Nominations are now open online for the Faculty of Land and Food Systems outstanding service awards, including the Shynkaryk Service Award (staff), Richards Service Award (faculty) and Graduate Student Service Award. Please do not email your nominations. The deadline for nominations is Friday, December 4.

LFS Shynkaryk and Richards Awards

Nominees should be LFS staff or faculty members who meet the following criteria: consistently provides excellent service to students, faculty and staff, accomplished tasks with good humour and grace, works extremely well with others, and always goes one step further on every project. Nominations should include the name of the nominator, name of nominee and 3 or more reasons for the nomination (with examples).

LFS Graduate Student Service Award 

Nominees should be graduate students who meet the following criteria: provide services and / or leadership to fellow graduate students and the LFS community at large, and serve as exemplars to fellow grad students, faculty and staff or the faculty in general. Nominations should include the name of the nominator, name of nominee and 3 or more reasons for the nomination (with examples).

Assistant Professor (tenure track), Canada Research Chair (CIHR, Tier II) in Micronutrients and Human Health

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems is currently accepting internal applications from outstanding researchers with a current full time faculty appointment in LFS at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) for a Canada Research Chair (CIHR, Tier II) in Micronutrients and Human Health.  This position will be part of the Human Nutrition (HUNU) group in the Food, Nutrition and Health Program.

Applicants should provide a 1) two-page cover letter; 2) detailed curriculum vitae; 3) names and contact information of three references, 4) five-year research plan (1-2 pages) to Dr. David Kitts, Associate Dean Research (david.kitts@ubc.ca) by January 4, 2021.  To view the full ad, please visit: https://www.landfood.ubc.ca/assistant-professor-canada-research-chair-cihr-tier-ii-in-micronutrients-and-human-health/

Fitting in Movement

In this one-hour webinar you will learn about the health impacts of inactivity and easy strategies to Fit in Movement. It will end with a 15-minute light exercise routine that you can do at your desk.  This webinar will be offered November 26, 12:00pm – 1:00pm.  Register Online.

Random Acts of Recognition

Congratulations to Random Acts of Recognition recipients:

Karen Lee for the incredible work that she has done with the FAB Board on the Faculty Action Plan and for supporting the Development team with social media for the past few weeks. She is a superstar!

Judy Chan for her generosity and insight as CTLT liaison in supporting faculty members with their dreams and projects, and going above and beyond to support LFS Open Education.

To nominate a faculty member, staff or graduate student that’s been doing an outstanding job or has gone above and beyond in some way, send an email to lfs.recognition@ubc.ca and tell us why this person should be recognized. We’ll send them a $6 Starbucks gift card and acknowledge their good work in LFS Today.

FNH Graduate Seminar

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 – 4:00 p.m. (livestream)

Speaker: Kaiwen Mu
Supervisor: David Kitts
PhD Results Seminar Topic: Defining the role of phenolic acids in regulating intestinal redox status
Chair: Maryam Shojaei

Zoom Info for FOOD:
Meeting ID: 611 3579 7717
Passcode: 108777

Speaker 1: Amy Tan
Supervisor: Yvonne Lamers
Proposal Seminar Topic: Prenatal folic acid and cognitive development: A transnational approach to study early programming of brain function
Chair: Brock Williams

Speaker 2: Jordie Fischer
Supervisor: Crystal Karakochuk
Results Seminar Topic: Evaluating the effect of 12 weeks of supplementation with ferrous sulfate, ferrous bisglycinate or placebo, on iron status and gut inflammation in Cambodian women
Chair: Amy Tan

Zoom Info for HUNU seminars:
Meeting ID: 630 0748 5675
Passcode: 531631

Please check the FNH Graduate Seminar Series webpage for general information and for the full schedule.

UBC Emeritus College: Call for Nominations

The UBC Emeritus College is accepting nominations for two awards:

UBC Emeritus College Award for Excellence in the Innovative and Creative Endeavours

The UBC Emeritus College presents one or more Awards for Excellence in Innovative and Creative Endeavours annually to UBC Emeriti who have demonstrated excellence in their engagement in innovative research, artistic creation, or new applications of previous research since attaining Emeritus status.
In addition to the recognition of the Award, recipients will receive $1,000. Any person may nominate candidates for the Award to the Emeritus College through the online nominations form.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, January 15, 2021. You can find the nominations form and more information by clicking on this link.

President’s Award for Distinguished Service by UBC Emeriti

The UBC Emeritus College presents one or more President’s Awards for Distinguished Service annually to UBC Emeriti who have, since attaining UBC Emeritus status, displayed exceptional leadership in volunteer community services. These services may benefit others in Canada or abroad. In addition to the recognition of the Award, recipients will receive $1,000. It is anticipated that the recipient(s) will direct the funds to an organization or charity of their choosing. Any person may nominate candidates for the Award to the Emeritus College through the online nominations form.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, January 15, 2021. You can find the nominations form and more information by clicking on this link.

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