LFS Today Nov 29, 2021


LFS Random Acts of Recognition

Thanks to the LFS staff, faculty and students who made the United Way Bake Sale a success on Nov. 24, helping the Faculty raise $500!! These funds will support people in need through community programs. Thanks to the following people for your support.

UW Organizing Committee:
Barbara Hsiao, Karen Lee, Andy Jeffries, Daphne Wang, Wayne Tamagi.

Zoe Campbell, Juli Carrillo, Xinyan Fan, Virginia Frankian, Gail Hammond, Isaac Peetoom Heida, Karen Lee, Mona Lee, Lisa Palmer, Edmund Seow, Wayne Tamagi, Marg Timmins, Melanie Train, Grace Wang, Sabrina Yan and Ava Yang.

Pia Lim, Sahil Sahibole, Brandon Oh, Joelle Geesing, Annie Whangbo, Alex Shen and Yuri (Yu) Yishimura.

Join the ‘Sex and Gender Inclusivity in Biology’ Working Group

We are looking for a graduate student to join the working group of the ‘Sex and Gender Inclusivity in Biology’ project. The goals of this project are to improve how sex and gender are represented in the biology curriculum and to make the Biology program more welcoming, safe, and inclusive for sexually and gender diverse students. A working group formed in July 2021 is leading the effort to meet these goals.

We are seeking an additional graduate student to join this working group for the remainder of the project from January 2021-June 2022.

Here is some information about this working group:

  • The working group is currently composed of 8 members representing faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students
  • The working group is using the Departmental Action Teams model, which is designed to support meaningful and sustainable change within a department and to help working group members develop facilitation and leadership skills
  • The commitment is about 5 hours/month, with regular 90-minute bi-weekly meetings (3 hours/month) and likely some in-between work (~2 hours/month, determined by the group members)
  • Graduate and undergraduate student members of the working group are compensated with a $100/month stipend

If you would like to be considered for this role, please reach out to Christine Goedhart (christine.goedhart@botany.ubc.ca) by December 2 with a short 1-2 paragraph expression of interest that includes a brief summary of your background/experience engaging with 2SLQBTQIA+ or diversity perspectives. Please include ‘Sex and Gender Inclusivity working group’ in the subject line.

Everyone is encouraged to apply; however candidates who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ and IBPOC will be given priority.

LFS in the News

Gail Hammond was featured in an article about the City of Vancouver recently passing a motion directing staff to look at ways to achieve a 20-per-cent reduction in its animal-based food offerings. On burger replacements, Gail says: “You can put any list of ingredients together and all be plant-based, but it’s still going to be a highly processed product.” The Thunderbird

Exemplary Teaching Activity of the Month

The Learning Centre will be recognizing instructors who have done something exemplary in their teaching. Oftentimes, it will be something small such as solving problems, going the extra mile, etc …
The goal is to highlight ideas that haven’t received enough recognition and/or celebrating cool ideas done by instructors who may not even realize they have an innovative idea.
The goal is to recognize one “exemplary idea” from an instructor a month.

We invite you to nominate an exemplary teaching activity by emailing the Learning Centre: it@landfood.ubc.ca


Dec. 2 – LFS Scholar Series: Florence Kondylis

Title: Retargeting Agricultural Investments: Evidence from Impact Evaluations at Scale

Abstract: What constraints limit the adoption of productive technologies among smallholder farmers? In her talk, Dr Kondylis will discuss the evidence gathered from large-scale experiments with farmers across a variety of country contexts. Specifically, she will describe how Impact evaluations were leveraged as a policy tool to elicit different constraints to adoption of proven technologies and estimate the effectiveness of interventions in promoting smallholder farmers’ growth.

Biography: Dr. Florence Kondylis is a Senior Economist and Research Program Manager at the Development Impact Evaluation department (DIME) at the World Bank.  Dr. Kondylis studied applied math at Paris Dauphine, received a magistère in economics from Paris 1-ENS Ulm-EHESS (aka, Paris School of Economics), a PhD in economics from the University of London, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University. Dr. Kondylis’ main interests are in development, labor, conflict and agricultural economics. Dr. Kondylis founded and lead the Bank’s impact evaluation program in Agricultural Adaptations, which is run in close collaboration with researchers and practitioners across a large number of donor institutions, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions. Dr. Kondylis also co-founded DIME Analytics to help generate and curate more, better data for impact evaluation.

Thursday, December 2
MCLM 160
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 677 8820 6346
Passcode: 758385

Dec. 13 – Canadian Launch of the GlobalChild Platform

GlobalChild team is an international team comprised of child rights and child development researchers, advocates, and experts working under the guidance of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Over a decade of research and development has resulted in GlobalChild: the world’s first comprehensive child rights monitoring platform. L

You are invited to the Canadian Launch of the GlobalChild platform which will take place via webinar on December 13th in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Canada’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The webinar will commence with remarks from the Honorable Landon Pearson, the “Children’s Senator”, and Dr. Yanghee Lee, the former chair of the UN Committee and current chair of GlobalChild’s Steering Committee. The GlobalChild Platform will be introduced and demonstrated through a collaborative presentation by LFS alumna Dr. Ziba Vaghri, the Director and Principal Investigator of this project, and several former chairs of the UN Committee: the Honourable Jaap Doek, the Honourable Jean ZermattenProfessor Kirsten SandbergJustice Renate WinterMr. Luis Ernesto Pedernera Reyna. We will also hear from a few Canadian youth who participated in The Global Child Rights Dialogue, a study that consulted with over 2000 children from across the world during the process of developing the indicators of the GlobalChild platform

Registration is free. Please REGISTER HERE and join us on this important day!


Dec. 20 – Envisioning Equality Project Nomination

Recognize exceptional women and gender-diverse faculty and staff at UBC Vancouver by submitting a nomination for the Envisioning Equality project by Dec. 20.

Women and gender-diverse faculty and staff have been making significant contributions to UBC for over a century. The Envisioning Equality project will harness the power of art to celebrate their accomplishments and showcase their achievements. Five eligible faculty members and five eligible staff members who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to their individual academic/professional practice and significant impact through mentoring and community engagement will be featured on banners designed by local artists across public spaces at UBC.

All women and gender-diverse faculty and staff who are currently employed at UBC Vancouver and have been at the university since 2011 (including emeriti faculty) are eligible for this recognition.

Find out more

Jan. 28 – Call for Research Proposals | Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards

Are you looking for funding to hire international undergraduate students to work full-time on your research for Summer 2022? The Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards provides an award subsidy to hire international undergraduate students to work on your research projects while allowing students to explore workplace and research skills. These awards are valued at $6,000 and are distributed across seven Faculties/Schools at UBC Vacouver Campus.

The Faculty of Land & Food Systems has Ten (10) WLIURAs available for 2022.

Program timeline:

  • Call for Research Project Proposals period: November 29, 2021 – January 28, 2022.
    • Note: Faculty members will need to submit a proposal(s) on UBC CareersOnline. A student can work with a faculty member to submit a proposal together.
  • The Centre for Student Involvement and Careers (CIS&C) to send all research project proposals pertaining to the Faculty/School by Monday, February 7, 2022.
  • Deadline for Faculty/School offices to submit their list of funded proposals: Friday, February 25, 2022.
  • CSI&C will send funding decisions to faculty members by Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
  • For faculty members who have not indicated an internal candidate for their position(s), it will be posted on UBC CareersOnline for students to apply from March 7 – 20, 2022.

Additional information about the program can be found on the Faculty and Staff webpage. Student eligibility information is available on Student Services website. LFS evaluation criteria and process are available on LFS Research Support website.

Please contact LFS Undergraduate Student Research Awards lfs.nserc-usra@ubc.ca if you have any questions.

Questions or comments? Please email us at lfs.today@ubc.ca.

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