LFS Today Oct 22, 2020

Workday HR & Finance Office Hours – Today

The LFS HR and Finance teams are continuously striving to best support you as you get ready for Workday Go-live on Nov 2! As such, we have organized weekly “Office Hours” with HR & Finance team members. The purpose of these sessions is to provide you a channel to raise any questions you may have after attending Workday webinars or self-learn sessions.

These Office Hours will take place every Thursday at 11am, until October 29, 2020.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 620 3639 4155
Passcode: 019068

If you are not able to join during Office Hours, you may also check IRP searchable Q&A database for answers to common asked questions (CWL authentication required).


Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries (IOF) Seminar

Topic: Warming waters, climate history, and adaptation: Lessons from Maine’s lobster fishery
Speaker: Loren McClenachan, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Colby College
When: Friday, October 23, 11:00am
RSVP: https://oceans.ubc.ca/rsvp-iof-seminars/
More info.


Raise Your Profile at UBC

The new UBC Today website has new and improved opportunities for UBC faculty and staff to share share their story and connect with others across the university and beyond.

Research in focus
Research in focus is a brand new feature that provides bite-sized, easy to read accounts of the research happening at the university, directly from the researchers conducting it. 

30-second bio
The 30-second bio form has been revamped, to allow faculty and staff to pick questions from a list of options. The new format allows for more personalization and will ensure profiles remain fresh and interesting. 


What Lights You Up? Design Competition

The nights are getting longer. Create an art or animation that shows “What Lights You Up” and your design could be projected outside of Lee Square (by the UBC Bookstore) to help brighten up the dark winter nights on campus! Winners will also receive a cash prize of up to $300. There are various prize categories to enter and this competition is open to children, youth, students, faculty, staff and alumni at UBC campuses, UNA and Acadia Park.

Learn more and enter at: https://utown.ubc.ca/lights.


Corteva Agricultural Sciences Symposium

The Corteva Agricultural Sciences Symposium is bringing together several remarkable individuals with diverse perspectives and backgrounds to speak about current trends in plant sciences, such as handling big data, machine learning, and using cutting-edge technology for agricultural uses. The theme of this year’s symposium is Innovation Agriculture: Population, Production, and Opportunities.

This event is organized and hosted by graduate students of the University of Guelph and is open to the public. Register here.

If you would like to showcase your research, there will be a Poster Competition. To enter, submit your abstract during your registration before November 6th.

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