LFS Today Oct 23, 2020

SOIL 500 Graduate Seminar Series – Today

Date: Friday, October 23, 3:00pm
Title: The Future is Now: Lidar Applications in Forest Inventory
Speaker: Joseph Crudo, MSc student (supervisor Maja Krzic)
Abstract & bio available here.

If you have registered previously for one of our seminars, you do not need to register again – the weekly zoom link is the same.
If you need registration information, please email sandra.brown@ubc.ca.

Students Experience in Online Learning

UBC AMS surveyed over 7,000 students on impact of COVID-19 on students in June 2020 with a response rate of 13%.  The survey covered a wide range of areas, including safety and wellness, and online learning.

Majority of the students perceived COVID-19 had an overall negative impact on students’ mental health.

Some main findings related to online learning are:

  • Some students (~ 30%) were comfortable with using online learning resources rather than physical textbooks;
  • Supplemental resources for course materials (i.e. articles, journals, practice questions, and textbooks) help students to engage and understand course materials in an independent learning setting;
  • A little under half of students found courses taught via online platform to be more content heavy and fast paced; and
  • Some students (23%) don’t have the necessary technology to complete their courses online;

Instructors are strongly encouraged to pay attention to students’ mental health issue and to take steps to enhance students’ online learning experience.

Call for Members for the UBC Disability Affinity Group

The UBC Disability Affinity Group has been formed for faculty and staff who have lived experience with disability and/or identify as disabled to help build a community of support, learning, and solidarity at UBC. The group will meet regularly to share knowledge, strategies, and resources that can be applied to your own experiences.

If you would like to join the group, you are invited to join a kick-off event on October 26 to connect with your peers and community and help define the group’s function and operation.

Call for Applications: CORE Venture Building program

Are you a UBC entrepreneur with an idea ready to take flight? Apply for entrepreneurship@UBC’s CORE venture building program! CORE works with entrepreneurs who are building solutions founded in tech and innovation, helping to develop their startup through practical business training and deep mentorship to launch ideas into thriving companies capable of shifting industries. Apply online by December 10th: https://www.entrepreneurship.ubc.ca/core

Demystifying Cybersecurity with entrepreneurship@UBC

Are you curious about cybersecurity and what it is all about? Are you a technical/non-technical student interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity? RSVP for entrepreneurship@UBC’s event series “Demystifying Cybersecurity: Roles, Careers and the Evolving Threat Landscape presented by Scotiabank”!

Join them for a three part event series that demystifies cybersecurity; what are some of the cybersecurity roles and responsibilities, career pathways and a case study on some of the cybersecurity threats in recent times. Click here for details and registration.

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