LFS Today Sept 3, 2021

New Face Coverings (COVID-19) Order

In follow up to the August 25th communique, the PHO Order on Face Coverings (COVID-19) has been released to support the province-wide mandatory mask requirements for indoor public areas.

  • The order applies to students, faculty, staff and visitors in post-secondary common spaces including lobbies, hallways, public bathrooms, classrooms, and labs.
  • The order expires at midnight on October 31, 2021.  


  • The PHO Order for the proof of vaccination, including on campus student housing, is expected imminently.

COVID-19 Resources:


Imagine Day – Sept. 7

Imagine UBC is the campus-wide event that replaces all undergraduate classes on September 7, except those that start at 5:00 pm or later and meet only once per week. Therefore, if you have a class scheduled for Tuesdays that is not after 5:00pm or only meets once per a week, you would not have your class on Tuesday September 7th.
The entire UBC community is invited to watch the virtual Imagine UBC Pep Rally, UBC’s formal welcome to the 2021/22 school year. Watch the Pep Rally on YouTube or Panopto on Tuesday, September 7. You are welcome to watch this at any time that suits you on Imagine Day.


Sustainable Friday

Your sustainability tip of the week is

Purchasing equipment/furniture? Check UBC’s ReuseIt site for gently used equipment, furniture, and other supplies (reuseit.ubc.ca)

Do you have a sustainability tip to share with your colleagues? Send it to mcm-lst@lists.ubc.ca and lfs.today@ubc.ca! Tips can cover a range of settings, from lab work to your community to working from home.


Safety Training for Remote Work

A new mandatory training is required for remote working situations. The option for remote work requires key attention to safety at the remote worksite. WorkSafeBC considers it an extension of your workplace and a safety site review (work area safety assessment) and mandatory on-line training must be completed before your supervisor approves your request.

Training can be found here: https://srs.ubc.ca/training/mandatory-training-for-all-ubc-workers/#Safety%20Training%20for%20Remote%20Work


University Curriculum Development Study – Instructor Input Wanted

The purpose of this study is to determine what approaches university instructors use to develop and update their course curricula. We are trying to understand the influences, tools and resources, motivations, and barriers that are involved in both the creation and updating of individual course plans. You will be asked about your experiences and the tools you use when developing courses, and any other factors that impact your course development process. This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Board for compliance with federal guidelines for research involving human participants (REB# 21-03-023).  

Eligibility: Anyone who has taught one or more university-level courses in Canada in the last 5 years (since 2016).

Survey: Please click here to take this 10-15 min anonymous online survey: https://bit.ly/3vGF6K4 

As a thank you for participation, at the end of the survey you can enter your email address to be entered to win a $50 gift certificate to the retailer of your choice (chances of winning are 1 in 20).
Thank you!

Christine Mishra and Dr. Shoshanah Jacobs
on behalf of the University Curriculum Development Study Team at the University of Guelph  

For more information, please contact biomlab@uoguelph.ca


Job Posting: Project Manager at IAF

The Project Manager is responsible for managing the development and implementation of agri-environmental programs and projects at IAF. They work closely with other IAF staff and external stakeholders in the BC agriculture sector to ensure that project activities align with short and long-term objectives. This role requires a self-starter with excellent communication skills, ability to develop and execute complex projects, and (preferably) knowledge of and experience in agriculture Canada/BC.

For more information, see the full job posting.

Please submit your cover letter and CV to info@iafbc.ca in PDF format by September 10, 2021.

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