The MacMillan Local Safety Team (MCML LST) plays a key role for ensuring the health and safety in the workplace in the H.R. MacMillan building at UBC. They provide safety information, provide recommendations on training needs and provide support to the LFS JOHSC.

Safety Training and Building Orientation

All incoming students, staff and faculty members are required to complete UBC Mandatory training and safety orientation. Please refer to the LFS Mandatory Training as a guideline.

Please email us at if you have any questions.

Building Access

All building access doors must remain closed and secured at all times. If you are the last one to leave a lab or office space after office hours, you are responsible for securing all windows and doors, and re-arming the space.

Please DO NOT PROP OPEN exterior doors or interior fire doors at any time!

Building Hours:

Outside of building hours, access to building is ONLY through FOB-designated entrances.

For more information, please visit Building Access

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, call 911 first and then first aid at 604-822-4444.

The MCML Building Emergency Response Plan is available for your reference.


On Main Mall, between MacLeod and Computer Science Buildings

First Aid

  • For more information, please visit UBC First Aid.
  • For employees at UBC Vancouver campus, call 604-822-4444 (or 2-4444 from a University telephone).
    • In the event of an emergency, call 911 first and then first aid at 604-822-4444.
  • Eye wash stations, safety showers and chemical spill treatment kits are located in all FNH Labs.
  • Fire extinguishers are located in every lab and hallway. Be aware of the different types of extinguishers and their uses.
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are located in every lab.

If somebody is seriously injured at MCML, call 911, explain the nature of the injuries, and give location with address and room number. The address at MCML (for fire and accidents) is 2357 Main Mall, UBC, Vancouver. Supervisors of the person involved in the accident or incident must complete the required accident report via Centralized Accident/Incident Reporting System (CAIRS).